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Seventh House: Libra the Scales

The Seventh House is the house of Otherness, but not of alienation. It is the house of our second selves -- our partners in business and marriage and our closest friends. It governs trade and commerce and many matters of law and business of the nature of collective agreements and negotiations and even public relations. Law courts and the scales of justice enter here, but not the Law itself. And, where human justice ends, divine justice and the karmic laws of compensation and retribution take over. It is all about relating to others one-on-one.

Here we have put our chart construction area because that is how we help you to find out about yourselves. Eventually, this will also be the home of our collections of links to other astrology sites on the Internet -- our colleagues.

[]AquarianAge Links Directory
The Internet's newest directory of New Age sites, astrology sites and holistic health sites.

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You're important to us! We want to know what you think about all this New Age stuff ... :-) Here's your chance to leave your mark in cyberspace and tell us.