Fire Ox: Water Season: 1b

21 Nov ~~ 25 Nov

This Fire energy will express itself as a desire for integration within communities. This is where the healing happens, where the problems of the past are smoothed over and the wounds closed. There is knitting here, knitting together from within as the pieces of a community become whole again. This is the crucible of the "group" identity, but on both sides of the looking glass: not only do the parts within each nebulous group come to recognise themselves as a group but they also recognise "the otherness" of whatever lies outside these bounds. This is important for what comes next!

This first cycle is its purest expression. Because of the underlying configuration, this normally peaceful mixture may end in chaos. On the last of these three days, there may be an effort to overthrow some government through a popular uprising, but this effort will be met with brutal force in the next period.

The Fulfilment:

The fulfilments do not get written up until several days after the specified days have elapsed. It is important to look ahead to see what I am predicting shall happen but, once you have determined that I am an honest prophet, it is equally important to go *Back* in time to see what has been written and done before. If past predictions did not often come true, then what is the point of reading what is to come? :-) See the introduction page for more info.

This page and all others in "Ping Wu's Diary" are Copyright (c) 1997 by the Author
and Protected by copyright at the AquarianAge.