[Celtic Knotwork Pendant Jewellery]
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Celtic Knotwork:
The Spiritual Quest

Ancient Spiritstm sells hand-made porcelain pendant jewellery decorated in astrological themes and Celtic motifs. Welcome to the pages for our Celtic motif jewellery!

Knotwork designs arose as patterns imitating the ancient arts of plaiting, weaving and basketry. Knotwork designs are a widespread decorative motif in many cultures, but are particularly common in early Celtic stone carving and metalwork. As an artform, knotwork reached its pinnacle in the early Celtic illuminated manuscripts, produced by monks who used knotwork's repetitiveness as a contemplative aid in the inner quest for spirituality. Knotwork patterns form a maze, creating a spiritual centre of vital energies. The patterns are symbolic of life's journey, an attempt to make sense of the maze of existence. They express a connection to the sacred centre. As a meditative aid, they symbolize the search for the path to the sacred and divine source. They are a symbol of continuity and express the interconnectedness of all things.

Illustrated pendants are greatly magnified. Actual size of these pendants is just 1.5" (4.0cm) or less in diameter and about 0.125" (0.4cm) thick. Each pendant necklace is pierced by a ring and threaded through with a black silk cord for immediate use in wearing.

Price: $24 Cdn or $16 US.
(all shipping included)

Jewellery Designs are exclusive property of Touchstone Pottery
Another New Age boutique from AquarianAgetm © 1999-2000