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AquarianAge Update History |
This list is here to help infrequent visitors identify our newest attractions. We don't want people to miss out on something important! :-)
- 1 Aug 2000: The 400000th visitor arrived in the wee hours of this morning.
- 31 Jul 2000: AquarianAge Desktop Themes and ScreenSavers are unleashed on an unsuspecting world ....
- 27 Jul 2000: I Ching Oracle goes through a streamline to improve speed.
- 21 Jul 2000: Server upgrade -- many new features now in the pipeline.
- 10 Jul 2000: Our fifth anniversary online.
- 1 Jan 2000: The 300000th visitor arrived this week.
- 23 Aug 1999: AquarianAge welcomed its 250000th visitor sometime early today.
- 16 Jly 1999: AquarianAge receives an "Ask Jeeves Silver Platter Award"!
- 21 Jun 1999: AquarianAge is named the Lynx of the Week!
- 23 Apr 1999: We publish our privacy policy.
- 3 Apr 1999: New secure shopping site for Celtic Jewellery!
- 19 Feb 1999: AquarianAge welcomed its 200000th visitor sometime today.
- 16 Feb 1999: Welcome to the Year of the Earth Rabbit!
- 7 Dec 1998: We decide to remove the URLminder from this page for the reason that some site competitors were using it as a lazy means of keeping tabs on us.
- 27 Nov 1998: Completion of I Ching server at last.
- 5 Nov 1998: Redesign of Zodax Mystic Cubes area. Now with secure shopping.
- 3 Nov 1998: Visitor number 175000!
- 2 Nov 1998: Launch of Jigsaw Puzzles Boutique area. Now with secure shopping.
- 2 Nov 1998: Well, we dropped the frames today. The search engines hated them!
- 17 Aug 1998: Complete overhaul of Houses menu system. We hope you like the frames!
- 7 Aug 1998: Launch of AquarianAge online secure shopping with the Zodiac PostCards sales area.
- 10 Jul 1998: Our Third Anniversary!
- 27 Jun 1998: Our secure server arrives at last! So does visitor number 150000!
- 23 Mar 1998: AquarianAge welcomes visitor number 123456 sometime early this morning.
- 22 Mar 1998: The new member site AstroCoach is born.
- 31 Dec 1997: AquarianAge welcomes its 100000th visitor at about 1:00pm today. What a great way to end the year!
- 11 Nov 1997: AquarianAge welcomes its 88888th visitor!
- 3 Nov 1997: A new site record set today: over 1000 hosts in one day!
- 21 Oct 1997: Launch of the postcard service today.
- 26 Sept 1997: AquarianAge welcomes its 80000th visitor this evening.
- 24 Sept 1997: We set another site record today: 822 visitors in one day! It has been steadily climbing all month from its earlier plateau of 600 per day.
- 12 Sept 1997: AquarianAge welcomes its 77777th visitor!
- 6 Aug 1997: On a Wing and a Prayer Angel art joins AquarianAge.
- 17 Jly 1997: AquarianAge welcomes its 70000th visitor!
- 10 Jly 1997: AquarianAge begins its third year online.
- 3 Jly 1997: The DreamQuest Project joins AquarianAge.
- 1 Jly 1997: Opening of the StarGate site gateway into our most interactive attractions, including a chat room and discussion forums and NetMeeting seminars.
- 27 Jun 1997: We launch our new Webcasting services through PCN, the PointCast Network.
- 17 Jun 1997: AquarianAge welcomes its 66666th visitor! We are receiving about 500 people per day.
- 26 May 1997: AquarianAGe is featured as the StartingPoint Hot Site of the Day in its Entertainment category.
- 26 Mar 1997 at 00:55h: AquarianAge has its 55555th visitor!
- 14 Mar 1997: New: Kosmic Press joins our site!
- 14 Mar 1997: AquarianAge unveils its formal New Age Webhosting services venture.
- 11 Mar 1997: AquarianAge LinkRing is born.
- 9 Feb 1997: AquarianAge has its 50000th visitor!
- 7 Feb 1997: Chinese New Year for Ping Wu's Diary -- Gong Xi Fa Chai!
- 14 Jan 1997: Introduced a pretty textured parchment backdrop for home page and several others.
- 11 Jan 1997: We have set up guestbooks both for AquarianAge itself and for Ping Wu's Diary
- 3 Jan 1997: PingWu updates his site with information on the upcoming year of the Fire Ox.
- 2 Jan 1997: The popularity of our site is showing signs of going vertical --- 442 hosts and 7872 hits today! A new record by a landslide! :-)
- 1 Jan 1997: AquarianAge has its 45000th visitor! What a great way to start the New Year!
- 27 Dec 1996: AquarianAge has its 44 444th visitor! We are now getting 300+ people per day.
- 21 Dec 1996: The Romance Area gets its big facelift -- new backdrops, new images, new navigation system.
- 7 Dec 1996: We reorganise the homepage and rewrite the JavaScript part.
- 30 Nov 1996: David Siu has encoded a fine rendition of "Mercury, the Winged Messenger" to add to our Gustav Holst Midi Music Collection -- thanks!
- 28 Nov 1996: AquarianAge spawns a child -- Healing Arts acquires its own domain name and we overhaul that site. The current issue is also uploaded.
- 24 Nov 1996: Adze Mixxe names AquarianAge as his choice for Cool Site of the Night.
- 8 Nov 1996: AquarianAge is awarded a Gold Medal in the Internet 1996 World Exposition!
- 29 Oct 1996: Our intelligent I Ching server gets upgraded to prodigy level. :-) What I mean is: it is just as sophisticated as ever in the readings it gives, but with less wear and tear on the server. But it still is not complete!
- 21 Oct 1996: We got reviewed by Maple Square, the Canadian site index: Four Leaf site status!
- 9 Oct 1996: Our welcome mat acquired that cool 3-d masthead in royal purple with gold trim.
- 9 Oct 1996: Kepler College gets a major facelift. Only a couple areas left to go and then the whole site will be in line with the latest standards in Web design!
- 7 Oct 1996: AquarianAge is accepted as a Pavilion in the Internet 1996 World Exposition as a World Cultures site.
- 7 Oct 1996: Cards of Destiny relaunch. Our coolest site yet!
- 4 Oct 1996: AquarianAge becomes a member of the Internet LinkExchange.
- 3 Oct 1996: AquarianAge inducted into the "Who's Cool in America" Project. Okay, so we're in Canada. Maybe they were running short in the States?? :-)
- 30 Sep 1996: Ping Wu's Taoist Diary gets a major facelift.
- 23 Sep 1996: Astrology on the Air gets an Aussie page.
- 12 Sep 1996: AquarianAge named "A Positive Place" on the Internet.
- 29 Aug 1996: AquarianAge awarded a Gold Star by Astrology.Net.
- 11 Aug 1996: AquarianAge named EyeSite of the Day by EyeNet E-Zine of Toronto. Far better than being named EyeSore of the Day .... :-)
- 25 Jly 1996: Ping Wu's Taoist Diary opens its doors.
- 24 Jly 1996: AquarianAge gets Java! Just a little so far, but we're working on getting some more. Where is it? The home page and all twelve houses now have mouse-sensitive scripts attached to their links.
- 12 Jly 1996: We got our 33 333rd visitor just before midnight tonight!
- 10 Jly 1996: Happy Birthday to us! We're one year old today and we've celebrated with a face-lift for the homepage and brand new menu pages -- twelve of them!
- 21 May 1996: Healing Arts issue uploaded.
- 17 May 1996: The site is moved and relaunched.
- 29 Apr 1996: We acquired the "AquarianAge.Org" domain name from the InterNic.
- 11 Mar 1996: We have added an URL-minder form to this page! Now enthusiastic visitors to the AquarianAge will be notified whenever we make changes and addtions here. :-)
- 9 Mar 1996: Face-lift for the Zodax Cubes area.
- 8 Mar 1996: Tinkering with the background and colour scheme for the Cards of Destiny area. Curiosity: why such a difference in the way backgrounds are handled in Netscape v1.x and Netscape v2.x ?? Version 1.x hides a few dozen pixels at the left margin, while version 2.x pushes it all out for all to see ....
- 7 Mar 1996: The Romance Area homepage is recast with a new background, new title graphic and new colour scheme. And a cheer goes up from the crowd .... :-)
- 24 Feb 1996: The homepage is updated with new categories, a new survey question and new space at the bottom for our peer recognition awards --- RadioOne only, so far .... :-) The first new areas will be for Astrology and New Age related radio and television shows from around the world and for my own personal specialty (at last), the Taoist Diary, which I used to do live in the much-flamed alt.astrology forum ... Space has been reserved for future areas on the I Ching and Runes.
- 22 Feb 1996: AquarianAge is reviewed on RadioOne, the Internet Radio station. Hurray!
- 24 Jan 1996: The latest issue of Healing Arts Magazine arrives on our site!
- 22 Jan 1996: The AquarianAge acquires merchant Visa privileges! Big expansions coming now!
- 1 Jan 1996: Happy New Year!!
- 6 Dec 1995: Opened up the area on the Kepler College Project. If you have any money to spare, this is a very worthwhile cause that will someday benefit all of us in ways we cannot yet see clearly now.
- 5 Dec 1995: Added the page on astrology in classical music, featuring Gustav Holst's Planets Suite, with several midi files available for download.
- 24 Nov 1995: Our 10 000th Visitor went through sometime this evening, but didn't leave a message! :-(
- 21 Nov 1995: Unveiled our new Golden Shield on the front door. Visitor counter stood at 9600 today.
- 10 Nov 1995: Unveiled the November issue of Healing Arts Magazine with three sample articles.
- 3 Nov 1995: Prepared Healing Arts Magazine to receive its next issue. Added an animated sequence to its site for a new front door.
- 21 Oct 1995: At long last added the formula page to Robert Camp's Cards of Destiny Area and opened up the FTP site, beginning with the hypertext version of the Cards of Destiny. :-)
- 20 Oct 1995: Launched a new directory of astrologers parallel to the existing one with all entries sorted by place of residence. A great many relegated to the "Unknown" section --- if we have no abode attached to your name, please let us know!!
- 24 Sept 1995: Today we launch our first wholly interactive area with Zodax Mystic Cubes. These are a set of five cubes inscribed with ancient symbols that can be used for personal divination. Yes, they are available for purchase, but we have set them up online for visitors "to try before they buy" first.
- 21 Sept 1995: After several hints from visitors about the illegibility of Robert Camp's pages, I have redesigned the background and layout and hope that you will find the New pages considerably easier on the eyes. :-)
- 11 Sept 1995: At long last we open our online school of Western astrology with a collection of articles on some of the planets.
- 28 Aug 1995: Chart Construction Area created --- the purpose is to enable Web visitors to create astrology charts of various types through command messages sent through e-mail. When the charts arrive, they can return to the area with chart in hand and do more exploring to learn about themselves.
- 28 Aug 1995: New Age Newstand launched with our first magazine: Healing Arts Magazine! Their area includes sample articles from the current and all past issues presented in such a way as to recreate the original as faithfully as possible (but without the advertising, of course).
- 7 Aug 1995: Uploaded all 144 Sun-sign combination pages into the Romance Area.
- 7 Aug 1995: Added headcount totals of pages to the Web Tree page.
- 6 Aug 1995: AquarianAge Homepage reorganised. Education category is introduced, with pages for Kepler College.
- 5 Aug 1995: Uploaded the Cupids for the Romance Area.
- 4 Aug 1995: Page for viewing by other than Netscape added to the Romance area.
- 25 July 1995: The Web Tree Site Guide and Tree button were created.
- 25 July 1995: This Update History file was added.
- 24 July 1995: We officially changed our name from "AstroWeb" to "AquarianAge" to broaden the scope of the site and to avoid conflict with the astronomy site of the same name. Our Web symbol, however, has been retained.
- 22 July 1995: The Divination Techniques department was created and Robert Camp's Cards of Destiny section was separated out from the Lore area.
- 22 July 1995: The AstroWeb URL was published on the Astrology Festival mailing list during the wee hours of the morning, just past the Star of David transit. The best laid plans of mice and men ... can get really messed up by a busy signal!
- 21 July 1995: AstroWeb opened its doors to local traffic and was registered on local Web menus. This work was done during the Star of David transit on this day, just past Noon EDT.
- 17 July 1995: The expanded version of the Astrology Jokes section was opened up.
- 14 July 1995: The earliest version of Robert Camp's Cards of Destiny was loaded up.
- 12 July 1995: The "Notes to Visitors" section was added to the chief homepage.
- 11 July 1995: The first Web pages were loaded into the aquarius@sentex.net account. These included only the AstroWeb homepage, the Romance homepage, the Lore homepage with Joseph Beason's "Twelve Tickles" jokes page and the Who's Who of Online Astrologers.
- 10 July 1995: The aquarius@sentex.net account was created at 5:55am EDT today.
- 1 July 1995: The "Note to Visiting Astrologers" was created and added to the Who's Who guide.
- 14-18 June 1995: The colour-coded system for the Romance Area was planned out and the graphics were created this month.
- 3 June 1995: The first version of the AstroWeb homepage was put together on my home computer.
- 17 May 1995: The 12x12 grid tables and graphics were created for the Romance Area. For the curious: the first one took seven hours to make; the others are copies....
- May 1995: The first version of the Who's Who guide was put together. This will grow indefinitely.
- 13 April 1995: The AstroWeb emblem was designed today on my home computer. Completed 18:46 EDT.
- Apr-June 1995: The cupid collection was assembled for the Romance Area.
- March 1995: The first outlines of the AstroWeb site were laid out.