If cars shared our astrological personalities, this might be what they would look like:
Aries --- No power steering (goes where it wants to).
Taurus --- Texas Steer horns hood ornament on an old Caddy.
Gemini --- two front ends or two steering wheels.
Cancer --- very cushy interior, probably silver or powder blue.
Leo --- Gold plated trim, maximum ornamentation.
Virgo --- State of the art navigation system.
Libra --- asks you if you're sure you're making the right turn...
Scorpio --- Built-in machine guns and spiked hubcaps (à la Batmobile).
Sagittarius --- Anything you can cruise in.
Capricorn --- Old black Mercedes or Jeep-type.
Aquarius --- May or may not start when you turn the key.
Pisces --- Teal green, lots of room inside.
Created in 1995 by Dianne. Protected by Copyright (© 1995--2001) at AquarianAge!