Queen of Diamonds: The Philanthropist's Card
Like some other cards in the deck, the Queen of Diamonds has much indecision about values (Three
of Diamonds Karma Card). Although they are in the royal suit of money, they are often worried
about money and have some difficulty in managing it. Queen of Diamonds are known to be charming
and enjoy the finer things in life. Often they spend beyond their budget and this adds to their financial
worries. Their Three of Diamonds Karma Card speaks of indecision about what they want that has
them constantly seeking new adventures and sometimes relationships as well. Many of the world's
greatest givers are Queen of Diamonds, though personal relationships are usually difficult because
of the indecision about what they want and their changeable nature. If they adopt a spiritual path in
life and realise that they have a mission, they can achieve the heights of spiritual realisation and
self-mastery (Queen of Spades in Neptune). This realisation will also dispel all of the problems that
they have with money and love.
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