
Three of Clubs:
The Writer's Card

The creativity in this card can manifest in many ways. On the high side, these people can be highly successful writers, teachers or performers. On the low side, they can worry and spend their time on frivolous activities and never reach their full potential. Success in life always depends upon the individual and how they use their God-given gifts and abilities. The Three of Clubs is gifted but their fear of poverty may entice them into using their creativity in questionable ways. If this happens, they seldom get away with it. They make great sales people and propagandists but they are ineffective until they decide upon one philosophy and stand behind it. They are sure to have emotional losses, many of which are destined. If they see them as "completions" that lead them to a higher level, they avoid disappointment. If they use their inheritance of spiritual knowledge, much success can be realised.

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