Three of Hearts: The Card of Indecision in Love
The Three of Hearts is the first card in the Mundane Spread of cards and represents the departure
of Man and Woman from the Garden of Eden. In search for what and who they love, they can often
become confused and dissatisfied, even when they find the perfect love standing in front of them. Of
the threes, all of whom demand the freedom to explore possibilities, the Three of Hearts can
become the most confused and bewildered mentally and emotionally. Either they are very fickle in
love or the one they love is fickle. They are quite psychic, hard workers and have success whenever
they apply themselves. They need a certain amount of change or travel in their vocation to be happy.
They are very charming and attractive people and have no trouble attracting others to love. The
challenge comes once they find someone. They are here to learn to make decisions about love and
money and to learn the value of higher knowledge. Once they do, they find great fulfilment in giving
love and truth.
Your Karma Cards are the:
- Ace of Hearts == You owe a debt to these people and they are your reflection.
- Queen of Clubs == These people owe you and you are their mirror.