[Books and Tapes]

The Cards of Destiny system is a lot like both Astrology and the Tarot Cards in that it has much to offer and much to learn. It is also quite involved and complex at the Advanced Level. We do not currently sell any of these books through this site. This list is just provided here as an indication of just how much is available for anyone who takes a serious interest in the Cards.

We *do* sell the software, however! Click over to here to read up on the details for these. There are entry level programs for beginners as well as professional level programs for those doing readings for others.

For Beginners:

B01: The Cards of Your Destiny = 340pp = $24.95
This is the book that we recommend to everyone as their first book on this system. It shows you how to do yearly, 52-day and Weekly Readings using the Science of the Cards. It includes the Yearly Spreads for every card in the deck, complete instructions and a complete set of interpretations of every card in every one of ten possible positions. With this book, anyone can do readings for anyone else.

B02: Love Cards = 340pp = $24.95
This is the next book we recommend for beginners, even though it has some intermediate information in it as well. This book, combined with "The Cards of Your Destiny", gives you the complete system. "Love Cards" has complete descriptions of each of the 53 card personalities so that you can understand more about your personal life patterns. It includes three powerful methods of doing relationship comparisons using the cards, along with all the meanings for the various "connections" that exist between any two cards in the deck. With this book, you can really understand your current and past relationships and make better relationship decisions in the future.

B03: Visions, Volume I = 40pp = $8.00
This is a collection of 15 articles by Robert, some of his earliest writings on the Science of the Cards and the spiritual path. Includes "The Mystery of the Eight of Clubs Woman", "Astrological Indications of our Times", "Planetary Aspects", "The Hidden Messages in Your Chart", "The H.I.V. Blessing" and many others. (Visions II is an Intermediate book.)

B04: The Card Reader's Mini-Book = 82pp = $11.95
This book was the only book available before Love Cards was finished that gave some descriptions of the Birth Cards. It was designed to be a quick reference for those who are looking up people or doing readings. On each page is the description of someone's Birth Card and listings of their Karma Card, Past-Life Cards and their Life Path Card taken from their Life Spread. Also is included a listing of the Birthdays and Birth Cards of over 800 celebrities.

B05: The Weekly Reading Workbook = 70pp = $11.95
This book can be purchased separately or as part of The Weekly Reading & the Decision Reading Video package described below. It has complete instructions on how to perform the Weekly Reading, which we consider the best exercise to do if you are wanting to learn the meanings of the cards in the shortest amount of time. In this book are a complete set of interpretations for the cards in the Weekly Reading, including the Environment Card, which is an addition to the Weekly Reading taught in The Cards of Your Destiny. You will also learn the new technique of how to do the timing and shuffle of the deck to guarantee its accuracy and relevance. The book also has complete instructions on how to perform a Decision Reading, which you can use to help you make important decisions in your life.

B06: The Weekly Reading & the Decision Reading Video = 68min = $33.00
This is a package that includes the book entitled The Weekly Reading Workbook described above. Watch Robert as he gives you specific instructions on how to do the Weekly Reading and the Decision Reading. What's better is that you get to see Robert lead a group of eight people through the process and then interpret their cards for them. If you want to see how Robert reads the cards of the Weekly Reading and Decision Reading, this tape can be very valuable in your learning process. You can also use the tape to time your readings each week. A picture is worth a thousand words.

B07: The Beginner Workshop on Tape = 2x90min = $33.00
These cassette tapes and handouts are meant to lead you through the techniques in The Cards of Your Destiny step by step. In addition, Robert reveals more details about doing Relationship Comparisons and talks about some of the ways to improve your interpretations of the cards.

For Intermediates:

I01: The Intermediate Workshop on Tape = 2x90min = $33.00
Learn the "Rules of Interpretation" that help you decide which cards in your yearly spreads are the most important. Learn how to find information in the yearly spreads on specific topics such as money, love, health and travel. Hear Robert go over every card in the deck and reveal some of their different meanings that are not covered in the book. All this and more is covered in this cassette tape seminar with Robert.

I02: The Book of Destiny Advanced Card Interpretations = 166pp = $19.95
Since writing The Cards of Your Destiny, Robert has rewritten the interpretations found in that book many times. This book presents the latest complete set of interpretations for the cards in the yearly spreads. Most of them are longer -- especially the Long Range, Pluto and Result Card meanings -- and emphasis was put on the harder to understand cards such as sixes, nines and sevens. These interpretations are also available through our It's in the Cards! software program for Windows.

I03: The Science of Numbers = 72pp = $14.95
Even if you have the tapes, this transcription book is a must for serious students of metaphysics and the cards. Each card in the deck is discussed and how their numbers reflect in both the card meanings as well as the personalities of the people who claim those Birth Cards.

I04: Sacred Symbols of the Ancients = 260pp = $22.00
An early classic of the Cards of Destiny system, this book was written more than half a century ago by Florence Campbell and Edith Randall. It was the first book published to reveal much of the inner workings of the Cards of Destiny system to the world. It has complete descriptions of each of the 53 Birth Cards along with a lot of additional information that every student of the cards should have. Though the language in this book is somewhat arcane, Robert recommends that everyone read and use this book, for it contains the sum of years of experience in using these cards by these distinguished ladies.

I05: Visions, Volume II = 86pp = $12.95
This collection has all the articles that Robert wrote in The Voice of the Seven thunders newsletter from Oct 1992 through July 1994. It also contains 20 more articles that have not been published. They are grouped as follows:

  • Section One: Further Studies on the Cards and Astrology (22 articles)
  • Section Two: Reflections on Personal Relationships (6 articles)
  • Section Three: Personal Growth and Development (17 articles)
  • Section Four: Reflections on Current Events (3 articles)

I06: The Voice of the Seven Thunders Newsletter = 6 iss/yr = $9.00
Every two months, we publish our newsletter with articles on the Cards, Astrology and other relevant topics. This is the best way to keep up on the latest discoveries made by Robert and others using this system.
Past issues of our newsletter are available for $1.50 each. See also the Visions books (either volume) if you would like to get many of the more significant articles all at one time. Newsletters are published in the odd-numbered months (Jan, Mar, May, July ....).

For the Advanced:

A01: The Advanced Workshop on Tape = 2x90min plus Workbook = $66.00
This workshop on tape introduces you to the art of reading the Grand Solar Spreads, which is where all the Yearly Spreads in The Cards of Your Destiny came from. It includes the complete Advanced Oracle Workbook described below in the next item. By learning how to find your cards among the Grand Solar Spreads, you discover that you have many more significant cards for each year. Learn how to quadrate a deck of cards, how to find the Seven Year cycle cards, the Yearly and Seven Year Environment Cards, how the Karma Cards and Past-Life Cards are derived, and the Magi formula for determining the Birth Cards without having to look them up. This workshop also includes extensive information on how to perform a professional card reading and a six-week correspondence course that will earn you a certificate as a Card Science Reader, signed by Robert Camp.

A02: Advanced Oracle Workbook = 110pp = $14.95
This book has the 90 Grand Solar Spreads and includes brief instructions on how to read them. Though not a substitute for the Advanced Oracle Workshop described above, it can get you started in using these spreads to do readings.

A03: The Mystic Test Book = 340pp = $10.00
This is where it all started. Written by Olney H. Richmond himself and published in 1893, this is the first book to reveal anything about this card science to the world. We recommend this book only to advanced students because of the advanced nature of the material. It does have a brilliant introduction, however, where Olney gives a lot of the history and significance of the Little Book of the Seven Thunders.

A04: Yenlo and the Mystic Brotherhood = 138pp = $9.00
A collection of lectures and interviews with Olney Richmond compiled by his daughter, Arline. Gives all the missing pieces about how he encountered the Order of the Magi, the origins of the playing cards and reporters' accounts of the miracles he performed with a deck of cards. Also has photographs of Olney and the people at the temple in the 1890's.

A05: Temple Lectures = 270pp = $10.00
Transcripts of sixteen lectures given by Olney Richmond at the Magi temple in Chicago along with 8 interviews and other articles. This is like Magi 101, covering all the basic ideas and philosophies of the Order as it existed at that time.

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