Fire Ox: Fire Season

Stability and balance are achieved at last. The perceived need to force issues is soon abandoned when the mutual desire for change and betterment is felt and acknowledged by all. Intransigence, obstinancy, belligerence, intimidation -- all these fall by the wayside when people find a new way of working together and pursue this way in honesty and sincerity.

There is a strong sense of release from the past. People have the freedom to be themselves and to assert their identity without threat of censure from on high -- in contrast to the Wood Season. Looking back on the first Season, there will be a sense that we began the year on the wrong foot or perhaps that its events belong to the year that ended and not the year that has begun. People are willing to make a fresh start and to leave events of the past in the past. Governments will make an effort to clear the decks and overcome past mistakes.

Fire over Fire encourages a healthy exuberance. There is an innate need to open up and to reach out and to grow and to transform in harmony. Populism enters into politics and public life and the common people enter history. There is an opportunity here for mass movements by hordes of people thinking and acting in concert. It might be possible for a leader to harness this energy and to direct it into worthy pursuits. But it might just as easily take everyone by surprise when the people act alone, without guidance or direction, and their leaders must try to ride out the storm. The peaceful exercise of democratic freedoms is possible at this time, but victory or defeat may be lopsided as the spirit will move the people and they will not be easily distracted from their inner compass.

The real awakening will commence by 7th May 1997. Before this date, it is largely in the collective subconscious. The latter part of May brings the first fruits of this energy. There may be some conflict with forces resisting change, but the prevailing winds shall prevail. Irrational hotheadedness is likely in late June, when the pot begins to boil over.

Weather: no weather predictions for this Season, apart from what has been predicted for the year as a whole. These studies and observations are not yet sufficient for predictive statements.

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