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28 Aug ~~ 1 Sep | ![]() |
Piracy. Rape and pillage. Looting. Mob rule and swarms of all kinds. The strong abuse the weak and call it heroism, but the weak stand up to their abusers. The wealthy add to their wealth at the expense of the poor, but the poor may seek to get back a little of their own. Beware of disease and of accidents of every description.The Fulfilment:
France: In the early morning hours of 31 Aug, Princess Diana and her companions were chased and hunted down by a swarming mob of paparazzi on motorcycles, her car went out of control in a tunnel and crashed. She was fatally injured and soon died of her injuries. As she lay in the car wreck, bleeding to death, the paparazzi continued to snap away with their cameras and, for a brief moment, we returned to the Palaeolithic world of human sacrifices. "Mob rule and swarms of all kinds. The strong abuse the weak and call it heroism, but the weak stand up to their abusers. Beware ... of accidents of every description."
Now we have our August Revolution. Read the overview for this Earth Season: "The last blip heralds a revolution, when some situation that has been stagnant for years suddenly budges, gives way and is transformed. But it will be a revolution of structure and not chaos because order is imposed and not overthrown. This one is less of a blip and more of a process -- 'blip' does not do justice to its depth and significance. Its momentum will carry through the autumn and into the winter." This is our most unfortunate revolution, but just wait to see what effects this has on the world, on the Royal Family, on the push to ban the scourge of landmines, on so many other things!
But is anything worth such a price as this? What would we not give to reclaim that moment and end it differently? What have we done?!? What wrongs, what karmic debt have we incurred to this saintly woman? While she lived, we hunted her and criticised her and persecuted her and drove her to despair. Now that she is dead, we learn about the secret life of Diana. We learn that she would often sneak out of the palace in the dead of night, dressed incognito, and roam the hospices and poorhouses of the city, in search of people to comfort and souls to save. As if her hectic, over-scheduled life was not busy enough already? While most of the Royals tired of endless perfunctory appearances at politically orchestrated charity events, this future Queen went out of her way to do *real* charity work when no one was watching. We have lost a treasure that had no price. A thousand years of penance and prayer could not bring God to send us another Diana.
Lament and Epitaph for St Diana
Requiem in pacem, Sancta Diana, Regina Cordium.
- Though I may speak in the tongues of men and of angels,
- if I have not love,
- I am but hollowed brass.
- And though I have the gift of prophecy
- and understand all mysteries and all knowledge,
- and have the faith to move mountains,
- but have not love,
- I am nothing.
- And though I give away all that I have
- and deliver up my body to be burned,
- if I have not love,
- I gain nothing.
- Love is patient; love is kind.
- Love is not jealous or boastful;
- it is not arrogant or rude.
- Love bears all things,
- believes all things,
- hopes all things,
- endures all things.
- As for prophecies, they shall fail;
- as for tongues, they shall cease;
- as for knowledge, it shall wither away.
- But love is Eternal and endures Forever.
This page and all others in "Ping Wu's Diary" are Copyright (c) 1997 by the Author
and Protected by copyright at the AquarianAge.