20 Jly ~~ 24 Jly |
Allegiances and allies. Things lose their distinctiveness by subsuming themselves into larger entities. Loose associations become more formal. Groups of people organise themselves under one banner. Large organisations admit new members. Unanimity in action and the defeat of doubt.The Fulfilment:
The fulfilments do not get written up until several days after the specified days have elapsed. It is important to look ahead to see what I am predicting shall happen but, once you have determined that I am an honest prophet, it is equally important to go *Back* in time to see what has been written and done before. If past predictions did not often come true, then what is the point of reading what is to come? :-) See the introduction page for more info.
This page and all others in "Ping Wu's Diary" are Copyright (c) 1997 by the Author
and Protected by copyright at the AquarianAge.